

Made in Italia

Born of wood,
Ebony, and steel
I tread among

Suspended heartbeats
Scattered between seconds
Punctuated by shards of breath
Mounting a melody; Cantering
Past sound
Boulders immersed in
Undulation of imagination
Questing for ne plus ultra;
Time fractals spanning calloused


Self-induced storms cloud the known
To reveal colors made brighter by the dark

A thought caught in a joyful dew-tear
Sliding down upturned petals

With flushed cheekbones
Cyclical ardor

Whether or not
The sun illuminates the world below
This day is brilliant

You spoke your troubles to her
In desperation, on your knees

She heard every word
The sky worked hard today
Couldn’t you tell?

Or were you barricaded behind blinds
Shading away her perspiring brow-horizon

Alla Fine

A mane of crystallized onyx
Crests across the surface of the deep
The universally final flourish

Shadow infringement

Magnetized fear

Cylindrical conundrums bear
The weight of the galaxy

Star badges for the fallen
A broken formation spilling

Across the expanse of nothing

But thoughts

The irony of coincidence
Wisps fading into an infinite